Mystique Bar Finish Options

The Forbes Industries Mystique Bar is made with only the highest quality finishes and materials. Our providers have perfected their craft as much as we have perfected ours. Each finish and material hand-picked by our designers to provide the deepest selection of customization for your needs.

Check out our color simulator to get a better idea of how your finishes and materials will harmonize.

Please request physical samples for a more accurate representation of color and pattern size.

Countertop Options

Standard Solid Surface material is a standard on the Mystique mobile bar. Eco-friendly Trend material is available as an upgrade.

Standard Solid Surface Options

Upgraded Terrazzo Material

Upgraded Solid Surface Options

Laminate Colors

Standard and Upgraded Textured Laminates are available on a wide range of Forbes products. Explore our 30+ laminate color options!

Standard High Pressure Laminates

All laminates are high pressure laminates (HPL) which are designed to deliver exquisite decorative surfaces that is strong and durable.

Upgraded Textured Laminate Colors

These textured laminates breathe life into your products to accentuate your aesthetic. Designed to withstand friction, impact, and the ever-changing conditions of life. Additional charges will apply.

3D Textured High Impact Thermoplastic

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